the Storeroom

The Explorers Club storeroom is located in the basement level of Stever House on Morewood Avenue. Here we keep all of the equipment that is available for members' use, including kayaks, a canoe, snowshoes, trekking poles, cookery, stoves, a wall-mounted fingerboard, bouldering mats, and equipment for backpacking, camping, climbing, and caving.

Please contact the Explorers Club Officers if you are interested in visiting the storeroom via the #gearcheckout Slack channel.


The Storeroom can be accessed from either side of Stever House. If you're driving to the Storeroom, on the Morewood Gardens side you can pull up on the sidewalk for temporary parking, but on the Mudge Mansion side parking is prohibited as there is a fire lane.

GPS coordinates (Mudge side): 40°26'47.7"N 79°56'33.7"W:

These are the entrance doors from the Mudge side. If you're meeting at the storeroom, enter through these doors.
If they are locked, knock loudly if you expect someone is inside (or meet just outside them).